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Touched / Fragile EU project (2013)

TOUCHED is a choreography by Kjersti Kramm Engebrigtsen that was part of her dance project FRAGILE, an EU project and a performance where the blind and partially sighted dance together with able-bodied people. Kjersti Kramm Engebrigtsen was the initiator of the project.

TOUCHED is a meeting between two worlds, the sighted and the blind, where the performers try to develop a common language while exploring their own individual voice.

The FRAGILE project was a tripple bill consisting of TOUCED by Kjersti, PLEXUS by Estonian choreographer Ajjar Ausma and EDGE by Portuguese choreographer Ana Rita Barata.

Review (in Norwegian) about the performance from the website of The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted.


Choreography Kjersti Kramm Engebrigtsen

Dance Alexander Sebastian Lund Aarø, Nina Biong, Geir Hytten, Hege Konstanse Finnset Eidseter, Katja Henriksen Schia

Composer Knut Olaf Sunde Light Design Jan Erik Smedhaugen

Project Gallery

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